The Dos and Don’ts of Gemstones: How to Choose, Wear, and Care for Your Crystals

The Dos and Don’ts of Gemstones: How to Choose, Wear, and Care for Your Crystals


Gemstones are more than just beautiful accessories. They are also powerful tools for healing, manifestation, protection, and spiritual growth. However, to get the most out of your crystals, you should know how to choose, wear, and care for them properly. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you make the best use of your gemstones.

Mixed Crystals Stones

Mixed Crystals Stones

Do: Choose Your Gemstones Intuitively

There are many ways to choose a gemstone, such as by color, shape, size, or meaning. However, the most important factor is your intuition. You should pick a gemstone that resonates with you, that attracts you, or that feels right for you. You can also ask your gemstone to choose you by holding it in your hand and feeling its energy. If you feel a connection, a warmth, a tingling, or a pull, that means the gemstone is meant for you.

Don’t: Buy Gemstones from Unethical Sources

Not all gemstones are created equal. Some are mined in ways that harm the environment, exploit the workers or fund conflicts. To avoid supporting these practices, you should buy your gemstones from ethical sources that respect the earth and the people involved in the process. You can look for certifications, labels, or reviews that indicate the origin and quality of the gemstones. You can also ask the seller about their sourcing methods and policies.

Do: Cleanse Your Gemstones Regularly

Gemstones absorb and store energy from their surroundings, which can affect their vibration and performance. To keep your gemstones clear and pure, you should cleanse them regularly using one or more of these methods:

  • Water: Rinse your gemstones under running water or soak them in salt water for a few minutes. This method is suitable for most gemstones except those that are porous or water-soluble.
  • Sunlight or Moonlight: Expose your gemstones to natural sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This method is suitable for most gemstones except those that are sensitive to heat or light.
  • Smoke: Pass your gemstones through the smoke of incense or herbs such as sage, lavender, or rosemary. This method is suitable for all gemstones.
  • Sound: Use a singing bowl, a bell, a gong, or a tuning fork to create sound vibrations that cleanse your gemstones. This method is suitable for all gemstones.
Small Gemstone Bracelets
Small Gemstone Bracelet

    Don’t: Mix Your Gemstones with Incompatible Energies

    Gemstones have different energies that can complement or clash with each other. To avoid creating disharmony or confusion in your energy field, you should avoid mixing your gemstones with incompatible energies. Some examples of incompatible energies are:

    • Opposite polarities: For example, black tourmaline (negative) and clear quartz (positive) can cancel each other out or create an imbalance.
    • Opposite intentions: For example, citrine (abundance) and amethyst (detachment) can conflict with each other or dilute your focus.
    • Opposite elements: For example, fire opal (fire) and aquamarine (water) can create tension or instability.

    To find out which gemstones are compatible with each other, you can consult a crystal guidebook, a crystal expert, or your intuition.

    Do: Program Your Gemstones with Your Intention

    Gemstones are like blank canvases that can be programmed with your intention. By doing so, you can enhance their power and align them with your purpose. To program your gemstones with your intention, you can follow these steps:

    • Cleanse your gemstone using one of the methods mentioned above.
    • Hold your gemstone in your dominant hand and close your eyes.
    • Focus on your intention and visualize it as clearly as possible.
    • Say your intention out loud or in your mind three times.
    • Thank your gemstone for its assistance and trust that it will work for you.

    Don’t: Neglect Your Gemstones

    Gemstones are living beings that need your attention and care. To maintain a healthy relationship with your gemstones, you should not neglect them by doing any of these things:

    • Leaving them in a dark or dusty place where they cannot receive light or air.
    • Forgetting to cleanse them regularly or after using them for healing or manifestation.
    • Ignoring their messages or signs that they need something from you.
    • Disrespecting them by dropping them, breaking them, or losing them.

    Instead, you should treat your gemstones as friends who support you and deserve your respect and gratitude.

    Different Gemstone Necklaces

    Different Gemstone Necklaces


    By following these dos and don’ts of gemstones, you can enjoy their benefits and beauty to the fullest. Gemstones are wonderful gifts from nature that can help you heal, grow, and manifest your dreams. By choosing, wearing, and caring for them properly, you can create a harmonious and powerful connection with your crystals. Remember to always listen to your intuition and follow your heart when working with gemstones. They are here to assist you on your journey and bring joy to your life.

    Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

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