The Important Benefits of Opal Stone

The Important Benefits of Opal Stone

Do you know that the national gemstone of Australia is Opal? July 23, 1993 marked the official day the opal was proclaimed Australia’s national gemstone. Opals, are famous for their brilliant colors. The opal is also known as the fire of the desert. In Aboriginal dreamtime stories the opal was created when the colors of the rainbow touched the earth. Source here!

In scientific terms, opal is a gemstone made up of hydrated silicon dioxide. It is known for its unique play of color, which is caused by the diffraction of light as it passes through the microstructures within the gemstone. Opal is typically white, but can occur in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and black. The most valuable opals are those with a bright, vivid play of color that changes depending on the angle at which it is viewed.

Opal is a relatively soft gemstone, with a hardness of 5.5-6 on the Mohs scale. It is often found in areas with a history of volcanic activity, and is mined in a number of countries, including Australia, Brazil, and United States.

In spiritual properties, opal is believed to have a number of healing properties and benefits, including the ability to promote feelings of calm and serenity, and to help balance the emotions. It is also thought to enhance creativity and self-expression, and to help with depression and anxiety. Some people believe that opal has the ability to enhance personal relationships, and to strengthen the bond between friends and loved ones. Below is the list of benefits you can get on opal.

  1. Promoting feelings of calm and serenity: Opal is though to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body, and ma be helpful in times of stress or anxiety.
  2. Balancing the emotions: Opal is believed to have the ability to balance the emotions and to help bring a sense of stability and balance to the wearer.
  3. Enhancing creativity and self-expression: Opal is thought to encourage creativity and self-expression, and may be helpful for those who are seeking to tap into their artistic side.
  4. Helping with depression and anxiety: Some people believe that opal has the ability to lift mood and to help with depression and anxiety.
  5. Enhancing personal relationships: Opal is believed to enhance personal relationships and to strengthen the bond between friends and loved ones.

And if you’re into fashion and jewelry opal is a popular choice due to its unique play of color and its versatility. It is often used in rings, earrings, necklaces, and other types of jewelry, and can be found in a variety of settings, including gold, silver, and platinum.

Opal is also a popular choice for engagement and wedding rings, as it is a symbol of love and commitment. It is also a popular choice for everyday jewelry, as it can be a dressed up or down and complements a wide range of outfits.

In addition to being used in jewelry, opal is also used in fashion in other ways. It is often used as decorative element in clothing and accessories, such as buttons, brooches, and belts. Opal is also sometimes used as a dye for clothing and other textiles, and can be found in a range of shades from white to black.

So, are you ready to flex you fashion wearing your favorite opal accessories?


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